

Welcome to AcroTrekker!

This site is dedicated to blending running and endurance sport with acrobatics/circus arts and living a vegan lifestyle. The benefits to this approach are huge, but above all, it’s a lot of fun.

On AcroTrekker you will find:

  • Stories about my adventures in joggling and unicycling, including races and marathons
  • Science-based health and fitness tips
  • Vegan recipes(especially Greek)
  • Posts about animals and how you can help them
  • Posts about my travels, occasional posts about science, history, justice or the books I read
  • Scam-busting

Thank you for coming by! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact me at wildjuggling@gmail.com

Disclaimer – I am not a medical doctor, personal trainer, physical therapist, nutritionist, or dietitian. The views expressed here are my own, and not to be taken as medical advice. See a licensed health professional if you have any concerns or medical questions.Β 

145 responses to “About

  1. Interesting blog you have here πŸ™‚ I look forward to reading more!

  2. I have never heard of this exotic form of exercise. I like it and I want to learn more of this.

  3. Thanks for the like on my post. I can’t juggle, have never jogged, and my idea of fitness, is a bottle of wine with a cork to pull out, instead of a screw top. So, well done you. I expect you will live for many years, so happy blogging until 2060! Regards, Pete.

  4. Fitness is so important, and your approach adds novelty and brain-work!

  5. denisebushphoto

    I recently saw something about this on one of the magazine shows. It’s wild — keep it going!

  6. How unique this is as exercise – congratulations! Thanks too for visiting my blog.

  7. Awesome!!! My cousin is a serious juggler, he would love this, I will pass it onto him.
    Vegetarian, huh? Woo-hoo πŸ™‚

    • I’ve been a vegetarian for 13 years now. I admit I am not a very good juggler, but it sure is fun and helps me stay in shape. Do you know how many balls your cousin can juggle?

  8. Hey juggler!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I just joined this community so it’s nice to see a little traffic. I taught myself to juggle in college and found it incredibly meditative. Probably cause I never got good enough to take my mind off what I was doing. But I like the cross training ideas. Stay in touch!

  9. Ha-haa…one of the most humorous exercise forms I have heard about. Had to read your post twice to belive it:) Great! Keep it going and thank you also for stopping by at my place:)

    • Well Karin, if you think this is all a joke, you are right. If you think this is serious, you are also right. I am both joking and serious when it comes to fitness juggling. There’s no reason the two must be mutually exclusive. If exercise isn’t fun, people won’t stick with it. Thanks for coming by. Happy Holidays!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’ll check out yours as well.

  11. Wow, and I can’t juggle standing still! Looks like lots of fun, though. Just don’t juggle scissors… πŸ™‚

    • There was a time when I couldn’t juggle standing still either. It took a lot of practice to get to where I am now.

      I won’t be juggling with scissors any time soon, but that’s nothing compared to these crazies who juggle chainsaws. There’s a bunch of chainsaw juggling videos on Youtube, but I strongly advice no one to try it.

      Thanks for dropping by and happy holidays!

  12. AWESOME!!! I shared your site on Facebook. Love what you are doing!

  13. Have you ever run in Phoenix, AZ? I am sure I saw you or someone doing the same thing competing in one of our local races.

  14. Thanks for the like! I’m still traumatized over the “maybe” encounter. Interesting blog of yours…and I’ll give your recipes a go.

  15. Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Thank you for visiting my site and liking, “It’s Hana Baby chp.2”. Unusual but interesting form of exercise. Great body and mind balance.

  17. Thanks for visiting my blog. All the best–and keep your balance:)

  18. Hey, thanks for visiting my blog. I’m really looking forward to seeing what you’ve got to teach me about your interesting approach to fitness.

    • And thank you for coming by too. I will be doing some new posts on joggling soon, so stay tuned. You have a fabulous blog by the way. Have a happy near year!

  19. Thanks for accessing my blog! I’d better shoot some photos of folk juggling PDQ!!! All the best for 2013!

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours looks really interesting – I did try to learn how to juggle a few years ago but failed horribly. I was better than my husband though. The cat used to hide as soon as he touched the box the balls were kept in! We still have a set – perhaps we should try again. The cat is no longer around to terrify…….

    • Thank you! You have some really cool photos and interesting stories to tell on your blog, Anabel.

      As far as juggling goes, give it another shot. I had a lot of trouble too when I first started, and even some amazing jogglers I know had serious problems going beyond 3 balls. Maybe doing it while listening to music will help, I think it helped me.

      Have a Happy New Year!

  21. No way!!! There was once a joggler in Santa Cruz where I used to live! My friends and I would share “sightings” from time to time if we were lucky hehe. Keep on jogglin’ on my friend, you bring joy around town. Too epic πŸ˜€

    • Thanks for coming by. There are many ways to spread joy through town, this is just one of them. You keep spreading joy too.

  22. Thanks for liking my New Years Day picture! I won’t be jogging or joggling in this lifetime, but I will applaud you if I see you running past me!

  23. Tell me – do you just carry, or do you juggle, your camera?! Joggling seems a slightly whacky idea to me – but hell, why not?

  24. A lot of people think it’s wacky, including myself. As I sometimes say, joggling is the sport of eccentrics. I think our lives would be better if we all did something a little wacky, you never know what you may find out about yourself.

    And no, I don’t joggle my camera πŸ˜‰ Thanks for stopping by!

  25. Thanks for visiting my site; best wishes for healthy happiness πŸ™‚

  26. And thanks for visiting mine, Linfranca. I hope you have a very healthy year too.

  27. Hi!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Glad to see people are enjoying the Photo Of The Week series! Okay… i’m jealous of your juggling…i’m just not that coordinated. I’d better stick to making photographs πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful weekend!

    • And thank you for dropping by, Jennifer. You have such a keen eye for taking good photos, I wish I had your talent. I think your eyes could even help you become a good joggler with enough practice. As far as coordination goes, I was always a clumsy, poorly coordinated kid who didn’t excel at sports. I am looking forward to seeing your newest photos. Have a splendid weekend too.

  28. theseoulofcyprus

    Thanks for liking my blog post on Luxembourg. Your site is great. I definitely cannot juggle, but I like the approach you have towards fitness!

    • Efcharisto(Thanks) for coming by! I didn’t invent this approach, I’m just one of the few practitioners of it. At least from looking at your blog I know my recent blog visitors from Cyprus aren’t my distant relatives. Have fun over there!

    • Thanks, though it is hardly “genius”, anyone can do it with enough practice. It’s just a little different from other forms of exercise. Thank you for visiting.

  29. Thank you for your liking my hiking post! My son is a joggling too. Do you enter races? I’ll send your link to my son. I’ll be back to visit, because I like what you post about fitness and health. Do drop by again!

    • Thanks for dropping by my blog. Your son sounds like an interesting character if he joggles. I haven’t entered any races, except for informal ones with friends, but am looking into some during the spring. You should try it too, your son can teach you.

  30. This is the first time I have heard about joggling! And it’s really very interesting… Thank you for so much information.

    • Thank you for visiting my blog and for your wonderful photos. There is so much to learn, so much I need to learn and on my blog we are all learning together. I hope my site has helped.

  31. Wow – brilliant idea! My philosophy for exercise is also that it has to be fun – and I love to be outside enjoying nature when I exercise – hence why I run. Thanks for visiting my site.

    • Thanks for visiting my blog. I didn’t come up with the idea of joggling, it’s been around for decades now. Happy running to you.

  32. Interesting idea for fitness! I love working out, being outdoors and eating healthy. I feel energized after a long day and also I don’t feel guilty about the late night icecream or cookie snack!

    Thanks for stopping by on my blog, http://troupinaround.wordpress.com
    and liking my post. I look forward to reading more of your adventures in jogging and juggling!

  33. Hi, thanks for coming over to my blog and liking my photo essay. googling sounds like a it of handful to juggle there…

  34. I’ve been trying to learn to juggle for a year. You inspire me! I’ll keep trying.

  35. Keep trying, don’t give up. There was a time when I couldn’t juggle too.

  36. Hi! we have something in common I can see…I’m vegetarian, I like juggling (but just some basic exercise, can’t do much more than the basic) and fitness. Good job with your blog!

  37. Thanks for liking my post.

    Great having an exercise blog. I’m sure it will be popular.

  38. Thanks for the thumbs up! My husband used to juggle…wonder if he still can?

    • How many balls could he juggle, and did he do it professionally? See if he can still do it, I would be interested in knowing if he can.

  39. Thank you for stopping by Clicks & Corks and liking one of my images.
    You have an interesting blog!
    Take care

  40. How exotic Wild Juggler! Thanks for the like with me too!

  41. Thanks for liking my blog posting about learning French at http://www.susansbucketlist.wordpress.com blog. I’ll be posting again tomorrow with links to your blog since #29 on my list is Learn to Juggle. One day when I have mastered it I’ll now know where to come for advice on joggling.

    • Merci for visiting my blog. Your blog is very interesting. I’m sure you’ll eventually learn how to juggle. I have plenty of advice here for beginners if you are having trouble.

      I’ve met many Metis over the years. They are very friendly and have a very rich, interesting culture. Very creative too!

  42. Pingback: Bucket List #29: Learn to Juggle (and I’m not talking about juggling life) | Susan's Bucket List

  43. archipelagojewelry

    I was hiking today & kept tripping because I was looking around & not at the trail. The thought of juggling while walking, let slone jogging, would be really scary.

    • What can I say? I love a challenge! And keep hiking, but be careful and always remember to bring first aid for long hikes.

  44. I’m just back from my run in Greenwich Park, but I’m not sure I could do the juggling part while running. I should give it a try.

  45. Thanks for liking my blog post at http://lisarainwater.wordpress.com/about/. Even though I still battle that craving for a cigarette, as you’ve described so well, nothing can compare to a runner’s high! Now joggling…. I’m going to have to think about that one! Your blog has inspired me to give it my all with my trainer today! Thanks!

    • You have a very interesting blog. It was so unreal reading about a triathlete who is a smoker. I’ve never smoked but even I’ve never been a triathlete, so its admirable that you don’t let the smoking hold you back but I do hope you quit.

      As far as runner’s high is concerned, it’s nothing compared to joggler’s high. If you can be a triathlete, I’m sure you can joggle, so long as you don’t smoke while you joggle. I’ve read a few stories over the years of people quitting smoking when they took up juggling, due to the juggling being enjoyable and because it takes their mind off of smoking(sort of like a “substitution addiction”). However, these are just anecdotes and not scientific, so its difficult to recommend juggling to quit smoking.

      That sounds like a very interesting book you wrote about the “red”, “black”, and “white” people in 1800s America. I had a discussion about something similar recently and have always been fascinated by this. It’s amazing how many different words were used to describe the various “racial” mixtures back then that have since died out, which is for the better I suppose.

      Keep doing what you’re doing(except the smoking), it’s all very interesting!

  46. Thank you! I find your blog very interesting too! I’m a bit of a science/health junkie so I’ve found quite a few interesting posts from you already. As a fan of Downton Abbey, I found your take on Lady Sybil’s death very enjoyable.

    Juggling instead of smoking… Being addicted to smoking isn’t just about the nicotine. It’s the habits, the associations, the holding of something in one’s hand for a length of time — and I bet that’s where the balls could come in “handy.” he he

    The constantly changing labels used to define a person or group of people has always fascinated me. At the end of the day, we are — all of us — of one people regardless of skin color, religion, language, culture, geography. This notion is central to the book I’ve just finished writing. I’ll be sure to let you know when it comes out!

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