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Besides being a vegan athlete and activist, I’m also an avid scam-buster and skeptic. Here are some scam-buster websites for those who want more information on how to combat all the scams being promoted on the Internet:

The anti-MLM Coalition – Coalition of writers exposing the sleazy, deceptive practices of the multi-level marketing(MLM) industry.

Elle Beau, the Anti-Blogger – A former Younique rep gives the inside scoop about her time with Younique and reveals their deceptive and predatory tactics, particularly toward vulnerable women.

Ethan Vanderbuilt – They don’t call him “The Internet’s Most Trusted Scam-Buster” for nothing. He not only thoroughly exposes lots of different scams, particularly multi-level marketing scams, he also maintains a long, growing list of them.

Truth In Advertising – Consumer advocacy site that exposes a wide variety of deceptive advertising claims and business practices.

Timeless Vie – This site is dedicated to combating MLM as a feminist cause due to this industry’s frequent targeting of women and women’s groups.